My Painting Got Accepted Into Artfields Jr!!!

Thanks for visiting! This piece titled "Declaration" has been very specil to me especially in this time where our wourld faces new struggles. Bringing more positivity into our lives is something that I strive to do. This piece is all about declaring good things over ourselves and others because our words have power. 

Although both Artfields and Artfeilds Jr. were canceled this year because of the virus I wanted to celebrate the many great artists were accepted into the competition! I am so thankful and blessed that my piece "Declaration" got accepted into Artfields Jr. this year. With the link below you can view my piece and all the accepted artists for 2020.

And, here is my painting along with it's compainion peice "The Book of Declarations" If you would like to try out " The Book Of Declarations" yourself Here's a place on my site that has everything you need!

and if you want to check out all of the interactives so far go here:

------Stay Inspired

Elianna Radin

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