elcome to Find Inspiration in the Everyday! I'm excited about this one because this whole entry will be focused on one main theme ... sunsets!
I think sunsets and sunrises are one of my favorite things about the earth. Did you know that every sunset and every sunrise are different?
That means every single day we have the chance to experience a new display of creativity right above us! I think that’s pretty incredible.
Sunsets in particular can be super vibrant and I've witnessed many over the years that have taken my breath away. As an artist, it always amazes me that something this beautiful happens every day. Yes, sometimes it might be cloudy or raining, so we can't fully see it, but night and day the sun always rises and sets. It's a constant. A consistent display of beauty on the earth. A consistent display of God's glory and creativity.
When looking at creation I can't help but be in awe of the one who created it. And how all the intricacies and details that oftentimes go unnoticed by us are each an important part of the world. These are a few sunsets my camera has captured recently:

A Few Fun Facts About Sunsets:
1. Sunsets are usually more colorful in the fall and winter because the air is cleaner and has less water. Which causes fewer colors to be scattered out of the visible light spectrum. (Which means we see more color!)
2. There are many factors that can change how a sunset will look, such as: location, weather, temperature and time of year.
3. The sun actually starts to visibly lose different colors as it sets until only the reds are left which is why a lot of times the sun looks red or pink near the end of a sunset.
Sunsets remind me that there is always beauty to be found in life, sometimes you just have to take the time to stop and look (and sometimes it really takes patience.)
In the world we live in, much of the time we tend to rush things but I believe there is something really good and true in the saying “good things take time” Just as it takes time through each day and night for the sun to set and rise, some of the best things in life take time. But, there is something beautiful, even in that process that we can choose to be part of.
We have the choice every day to enter into joy and inspiration, even in times of waiting or in times when our circumstances don't line up with our dreams or expectations. Life can still be beautiful, and there will always be little reminders of that along the way, should we choose to listen to them...

So... go watch the sunset! (or if you're crazy enough to get up early to watch the sunrise that works too hahaha)
Designs from Inspire Joy that feel like a sunset:
------Stay Inspired
Elianna Radin